Tuesday 19 September 2017


My first reading in a long time for a lovely person DD who I know very little about.  This drawing was created on the 5th September 2017. I always see things in the sketch that sadly disappear in the final version and this picture is a good example, I was so sure a lion in was in this picture but it was a totally different thing all together in the final picture. The picture has a load of faces and some are guides and the badly drawn lady with the hat, showed me the love and care for DD. It's so strange that I can feel the love from someone in spirit and try to inform the person it is intended for how much the person loved them.I'm very blessed that i can feel that emotion.  A lot of animals are in the picture a beautiful young stag, a snake with no eyes, hedgehog and badger and a sabre tooth tiger.  The picture felt calm yet it look's busy and there are some lovely new things I have learnt, especially the boxing glove. I love this picture for many reason and I know DD loves it along with the reading.It will be interesting to see what happens with DD over the next few months.

Pencil sketch


Pencil marks removed.


Tuesday 6 June 2017

Confusion and roots

I hadn't drawn a spiritual picture in over a year, their are many reasons for this, leaving one part of the country for another, trying to find a house, trying to find a job etc and rather than bore you with the details, we are now settled in a lovely village.

So after a very good spiritual rest my guides informed me to start drawing again, funny  enough in a cathedral of all places. So I started to draw  the picture below on the 7th May 2017  and whilst some parts of the sketch came naturally the others were very hard. Whilst the Robin, the hand, Merlin or wizard  and balloon came straight away the cat was very hard and trying to understand what the picture was telling me, hence why it is called confusion. Every time I picked it up to read I all I got was confusion and got told by my guides to stop.2 hours later the person to whom this picture was intended made a decision unknown to me. I was told by my guides to start again. 

Confusion sketch

Confusion inked

Confusion ready for colour

Confusion completed. 

So on the 10th May I embarked on a second picture and it was much clear and had a calmer feel to it.  In the picture you can find a robin and balloon which were both in the first picture as well as some other items but have been drawn differently in both pictures. A swan, third eye, the chakras a beautiful tree along with a couple of faces and a building can be seen within the roots of the picture.  A seal and a book can be spied also,
A new technique was tried also for this picture instead of typing my findings I recorded what I saw and allowed the owner to listen to my findings. I was also told by my guides to let the person the pictures where drawn for to read the first picture (confusion) and explain their findings to me.I have explained to the receiver that they can read their own pictures in the future as they came up with the same findings as me.
 It is hard drawing for someone you know but I can understand the reason why the first picture was stopped as the reading had no bearing as the turmoil the person was in had made the decision that they were seeking and the picture would not have made any sense.
Hopefully I will be adding more over the next few months but I will try again with the recording as I don't like it for some reason and prefer to spend time typing the reading out. 

Roots sketch

Roots inked

Roots waiting to be painted

Roots completed.

Friday 1 April 2016

Figure 8 and Heads

I have resumed drawing again and had asked DP to wait till I was settled before I did them a drawing and reading. So on the 17 march 2016 I drew what is called the figure 8 and inked it on the same day which is unusual as normally they get inked the next day or at a late date. The more I inked the more I felt I had influenced the picture and it set in the scanner as I pondered on do I colour or not? Well as you can see I didn't colour it in. However i do like the picture full of animals and trees. Elephants, whale, fox, cat and my best attempt at a pigeon can all be found in the drawing along with two trees and a side of a building or a fence. So after rejecting Figure 8 I drew 'Heads' on the 27th March and as you can see it did get coloured in and a reading has been done. It amazes me what started off as a shoe turns out to look like this and whilst i thought the boat would be the main emphasis of the drawing it ended up hidden mostly in the background and the heads appear.  There was a figure 8 in this picture but this has been hidden by the other images. Varied images, a cherry, balloon, a pagan cross, a rat, the boat a female goddess and a funny brick house are all in the picture.  Can anybody find the ostrich? I love this picture for the balance feel and sense I received when doing the reading. I love the dragon fly and what is a tie fighter ( if that's what it is)doing in the image, well that's for DP to answer not me. I await DP response and comments.

Heads coloured  with paint and pencil 

Heads sketch erased

Heads sketch and inked

Heads sketch

Figure 8 sketch erased

Figure 8 sketch added ink

Figure 8 sketch